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Category Archives: 2014 Spring
Spring 2014 I, II & III
This semester we will focus on practical applications of UDL in the classroom. Participants will bring in classroom material (syllabi, assignments, tests, etc.) which we will look as a group in terms of UDL principles.
Meeting Dates:
Tuesday 4/1/14, 1:50pm
Tuesday 4/29/14, 1:50pm
Tuesday 5/13/14, 1:50pm
Suggested Readings:
[Universal Design for Instruction (UDI) has a different framework from UDL, but they have similar goals of reducing physical, cognitive, intellectual, and organizational barriers to learning. ]
Barile, M., Nguyen, M.N>, Havel, A., & Fichten, C.S. (2012). Universal design of instruction: A win-win situation! Pédagogie collegiale, 25(4), 20-22. Retrieved from http://www.adaptech.org/sites/default/files/Barile-Vol_25-4(eng).pdf
Barile, M., Mimouni, Z.,Nguyen, M. N., &Fichten, C.S. (2013). ICTs: Tools for universal design for instruction. Porfweb [online]. Retrieved from http://www.profweb.qc.ca/en/publications/reports/icts-tools-for-universal-design-for-instruction/the-issue/
King, L., Nguyen, M.N., Chauvin, A., Fichten, C.S., Mimouni, Z., Havel, A., Barile, M., Budd, J., Raymond, O., & Juhel, J. (2012). Let’s Get Together and Read All Right: How all Kinds of College Readers Respond to Technology. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.qc.ca/pdf/aqeta/king-et-al-rendez-vous-25-2-2012-ENG.pdf
- Burgstahler (Ed.). Universal design in higher education: Promising practices. Seattle: DO-IT, University of Washington. Retrieved from www.uw.edu/doit/UDHE-promising-practices/
What would a UDL-designed syllabus look like? Below is a rubric that could help make that determination and an accessibility/usability tool that lets you check how well you are doing currently.
Universal Design for Learning: A Rubric for Evaluating Your Course Syllabus
ACCESSed: Syllabus AUDIT